Live Breakthrough Training

Intensive and Interactive

Liberation Training
(for In Person or Online)

Now included in the Love Solve Academy

Liberation Training will...

  1. Shift your mentality from scarcity to abundance

  2. Raise your frequency in multiple areas of life

  3. Inspire you to continue your growth throughout the 30 days and beyond

  4. Relieve guilt, shame, and other negative emotions

  5. Encourage positive emotions without demonizing negative emotions

  6. Track your progress and change through assessments

  7. Share new, high-frequency solutions

  8. Create powerful habits of meditation and journaling

  9. Allow you to pick the brain of a PhD in Natural Medicine & CMHC--a true integrative mental health expert!

  10. Create a group of support with your fellow trainees.

Raise your frequency in 5 life areas

Are you ready for the breakthrough that will support

every area of your life to shift in a positive direction?

What happens at Liberation Training?

What Is My Frequency ?

Take before and after surveys and see your results in the Frequency Assessment to get your personal frequency in five life areas: Physical, Financial, Spiritual, Social and Psychological. What areas deserve a quantum shift?

Love Solve Method

Using the Love Solve™ Method you will experience a breakthrough for solving the love in your life. Release your emotional blocks so you can show up with love and harmony in your relationships.

Meditation Training

Learn Quantum Wholeness Meditation™ in under five hours. This is the meditation for the Christian heart and Eastern mind. Experience more clarity, stress-relief, and fulfillment in the present moment. Regain your inner peace and develop your intuition.

Emotional Transformation

Learn Zero Point Meridian technique, which is an advanced version of The Complete EFT Method™ or Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping. Cristine has shown this technique to be even more effective than EMDR.

What's included?

  • Liberation Training Workbook

  • Emotional Transformation Tools

  • Emotional Wellness Tool Box

  • Zero Point Meridian (ZPM) template for personal use

  • Learn and use Quantum Wholeness Meditation on your own

What's the schedule?

  • Online or in person options

  • 5 hour live emotional breakthrough experience

  • Includes 3 weeks of Quantum Wholeness Meditation Training (held online)

  • Under 10 participants for maximum impact - Led personally by Cristine Hull, Ph.D.

Are you interested in becoming a Love Solve Facilitator or ZPM Practitioner?

  • This is the place to begin!

Client Results from Past Programs

Jennifer J

"Before taking Love Solve Liberation Training, I was going through a divorce and experiencing very low self-esteem. After the training, I found a higher level of self-compassion, including the ability to accept myself

and live life more fully, with gratitude."


"Before Love Solve Liberation Training I was experiencing overwhelming anxiety, financial stress, and physical setbacks. After, these areas improved dramatically. I even quit smoking! I gained the tools I needed to keep raising my frequency and emotional intelligence in multiple life areas."

Cristine's Story . . .

"I began my awakening journey 33 years ago. My frequency shifts span overcoming drug addiction to mastering meditation. My career has transcended from substance abuse counselor to developing certification programs for ZPM practitioners. In my journey, I've faced divorce, mental illness, recovery from childhood trauma, and healing an auto-immune condition. My curriculum was enough to get me where I am today. What is your life curriculum? Remember it is meant to be a loving experience. Having a good teacher can make all the difference." - Cristine Price, Ph.D., CMHC



Kathy Truman - Author, Spiritual Counselor, and Energy Release Facilitator

In A Ladder of Love, Cristine combines raw vulnerability about her own journey with profound wisdom and insight. Her manual and Liberation Program will bring you to deeper levels of self-understanding with practical tools and techniques for self-discovery and transformation.

Be prepared for quantum leaps of healing!


Cherie Burton - Author, Speaker, former Mrs. Utah & “Women Seeking Wholeness” podcast

One thing I like about Cristine is her vast knowledge and ability to convey complex information so that the lay person can understand it. I sought her out as a kindred soul on the journey to finding real solutions to mental health. I highly recommend her!